Cape Hallett and the Adelie Penguin Colony
Last week, we were asked by the Antarctic Weather Station (AWS) group if we could potentially assist them in troubleshooting some problems at one of their stations. The AWS at Cape Hallett had stopped transmitting and it was not clear if the problem was related to the modem or to the datalogger. Many of their sensors are similar or identical to the ones used at our precipitation sites so we agreed to help (especially considering how far ahead of schedule we were for our own work). Cape Hallett is about a 3.5 - 4 hour Twin Otter flight north of McMurdo and is also home to tens of thousands of Adelie Penguins. We were initially scheduled to fly there last Thursday but the weather wasn't looking the best so we were delayed until Friday. Friday morning we were off with a stop at Mario Zucchelli station, one of the Italian Antarctic bases, for refueling. Zucchelli station is located in Terra Nova Bay where the South Koreans also have a station and China is building another statio...