A Turkey Trot, Pressure Ridges, and Icebergs!

Some of you may recall from last year that Thanksgiving is not celebrated on Thanksgiving day here in McMurdo, but is instead celebrated on the Saturday following Thanksgiving. Work weeks here are 6 days long (Monday through Saturday) with Sunday as the one day of the week designated as a "weekend". While it may sound terrible, it's really not that bad and no one seems to mind working the extra day. To avoid interrupting the work week, major holidays are always celebrated on Saturdays so people can enjoy a 2-day weekend. As part of the Thanksgiving holiday, there is always a 5k Turkey Trot race that begins at 10am Saturday morning. The Turkey Trot starts in McMurdo and goes about halfway to Scott Base (the New Zealand base on the other side of the hill) and back again. The Turkey Trot is always "something not to miss" and usually looks like Halloween crashed Thanksgiving's party. Many of the participants dress in some sort of costume to run the race and th...